Monday 2 November 2009

Coming Soon To A...

Apologies for the recent lack of updates. It's not all due to laziness on my part though. Much has happened in the past few weeks, not least the fact that I've landed myself an agent, and, as a result, learned more about the publishing industry than I ever thought possible.

There have been other more exciting developments however that, for the time being, must remain under wraps (and have nothing to do with Shaun cassidy).

But fret not, all will be revealed (in a manner of speaking) in the coming weeks (hopefully).

Stay tuned.


David said...

You've written a fan-fic biography of Shaun Cassidy and you are fighting a massive legal battle to have your story brought to public light...

That's got to be it ;)

BB said...

Ah, you're so close cigar on this occasion!!!!!

Drifter said...

Oh Bob! You tease!

Yay on getting an agent. Can't wait to hear the rest of your news.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Your tag line "Coming Soon to A..." might we infer perhaps a movie option of Harry Pigg has been brandished in your direction?????